A Survey on Women Safety Device Using IoT
Women Safety And Security App
A Survey on Women Safety Device Using IoT
ln the present day scenes women safety isconsidered to be the major problem in both urbanand rur al areas. I t is quite difficult to change themind-set o f the entire society, but we can provideseveral security devices f or the women who are facingsexual harassment, acid attacks, molestation, etc. Forproviding the security, various smart devices andapplications were developed. Many smart devicesand applications are also available in the market; but,it doesn’t provide an effective solution. Experts fromvarious field discovered women’s safety device whichworks in both manually and automatically. Thisarticle examines various women safety relatedtechniques. The drawbacks and opportunities inwomen’s safety devices are also discussed.
I n a country, Sexual offense happens against to the women and children. According to National Crime Records Bureau , New Delhi;1. In 2011, over 42968 the criminal assault to women has increased to 84746 cases in 2016.2. Around 309 acid attack cases are produced in the year 2014.3. I n 2011, 24206 rape cases have been enlarged to 38947 cases i n 20164. According to this statistics, around 92 women’ s are raped every day i n IndiaThe mobile application and smart devices are produced in the women safety are:A. NotificationNishant Bhardwaj et al., [1] proposed A Women Safety Device which gives the basic idea of Suraksha which provides a warning to the police by giving an instant location when distressed v ic ti m takes place. So the incident could be prevented.As same as Nandita Viswanath et al., [2] in this article, a small and low cost device is developed. This device is clipped to the footwear and i t is triggered automatically when the tapping occurs behind the other foot four times. The tapping sound is detected by the light blue bean which is aurdino microcontroll er. Then, the message is send to the four contact list through the Bluetooth. Naive Basye classifier is used to analyses the walking and tapping data. By this technique, accuracy is measured. This device is only useful for a trained data.Similarly D. G. Monisha et al., [3] Proposed a system which contain a location tracking mechanism, i t works i f the suffered person press a single click it sends a SoS message with current location to pre-set contact o f every 2 minutes, i f the person clicks a button double times then i t records and sends SOS message and also i t cal ls to the pre-set contact numbers when the person pressed a button for a long time.Likewise Dhruv Chand et al., [4] proposed a WoS application is developed. In this application it requires some basic information about the user and the emergency contact list. When the person feel some crisis happens against to them, a not if icati on is send to the enlisted contacts b y shaking their phone consecutively 40 times (i.e. upto 8 seconds) or pressing the panic button which is present in the screen B. Location TrackingVallidevi Krishnamurthy et al., [5] proposed a work with a women safety application. The mobile application is developed with a help of object- oriented manner. When women are in travel form one place to another, she has to activate the continuous global position system GPS. The GPS continuously tracks their respective location. In the case o f the danger when she doesn’ t mark herself safe in particular duration then the SMS alert is send to the registered contact.Similarly Dantu Sai Prashanth et al., [6] In this article an application is developed with unique features and all the existing features has been integrated to make efficient software which is useful for women safety. This application consists o f dynamic GPS tracking system and i t also includes spy-camera which is useful to record the incident .Initially it requires login details and the user has to update their information from time to time. In this, user has to be registered to a firebase database wh00ich is used f o r user login authentication which keeps application more secure. When the user is moving from one place to another a GPS tracking system is switched on and thus the live location is also viewed. I t also offers various functionalities like first aid information, toll free call which is inbuilt. Through dynamic GPS tracking system the enlisted contacts users who all use the same application can view the user’ s location.Likewise Sankalp Mehta et al., [7] proposed an application. This application gets activated by shaking the phone .Then the location is identified by GPS and the location is shared to the emergency contacts. It also provides calling facility, whenever the guardian phone is in silent mode. Thus i t provides a calling and message facility to protect them from the incident.C. Sensors usedPiyush Kumar Verma et al., [8] In This the proposed system deals with a device which is used for women to protect them from dangerous person while they are moving out in night and f o r an independent women also i t is useful. I t consists o f buzzer, pulse sensor and switch. When the switch is pressed, the device sends a current locati on o f the women to all the registered contacts and i t also monitors the pulse rate o f a women. I f the pulse reading is abnormal, then SMS is sends to a hospital .Thus, the device is used to protect themselves from a danger and i t is small in size.Similarly Muskan et al., [9] Describes the women safety device which senses the human body temperature and heartbeat pattern. The normal heartbeat and the body temperature are stored in the cloud. When the human heart beat rate and the temperature are changed, i t denotes that they are in the trouble Here they use a machine learning algorithm to collect the data. The collected data is compared with the data which are already stored in the cloud, when change occurs current locati on o f the women is sent with the help o f Zigbee mesh network. I t is defined as sending o f message without the internet access, as zigbee mesh network sends a data with the help of multiple hop distance.As same as the above work Kal pana seel amet al., [10] The articles portrays about the safe and secured electronic framework for women or children which involves an Arduino controller and sensors, the several sensors used in this system are temperature, flex sensors, MEMS accelerometer, pulse rate sensor and sound sensor. The gadget detects body parameters like heartbeat rate, changes i n temperature, movement o f v i c t i m by flex sensor by flex sensor and MEMS accelerometer and the voice o f the injured individual is detected by sound sensor and the locati on is send to the registered contactsD. Video capturingMohamad Zikriya et al., [11] Gadget is used in the project. I t is used to capture the image of the culprit who makes a distrust motion to the independent women, children. Thus the captured image is sent to the registered email ID. By using the captured image we can able to find the distrusted person.Similarly, Jismi Thomas et al., [12] Proposed the system with a security devices called T o U C H M E N o T . This portable device is attached to the clothing. This device consists o f button which is integrated with two modules. The first module contains a camera which records the short videos to capture the assailant. The second module is used to send the current locati on to the f a mily or friends.Likewise Pragna B R et al., [13] a device is developed. I t consists o f a four button (i.e. red, green, yellow, blue) .Each button represents one functionalities to protect the person who is in danger. Red is used for triggering alarm, blue is used to sending messages, green is used to record audios and yellow is used to detect hidden cameras. Thus by pressing the various colour buttons the women can be protected for that instant.
From the above table II, different techniques are proposed to safeguard the women; those techniques had their own drawbacks;• It is quite impossible to use a mobile phone during an emergency situation.• The literature depicts that there are auto detection women safety device based on parameters such as voice recognition, temperature heart beat rate are exists, still these system may have a chance o f failure due to women abnormal health condition.• Though the location is shared to the faraway people it proceeds time to reach the spots.
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